Stock that turned 1 lakh in to 9 crore

Sri Adhikari Brothers  Television Networks

Share price of the company soared from Rs. 2.4 last year to Rs. 2153.8 this year. It's making this the top performer stock of the year.

Marsons is a major player in the electric equipment industry.  The stock price moved from 8.4 to 241.1 this year.


The share price of the company surged from 42.4 to 1073.5 this year.

Bharat Global Developers

The share price jumped from 8.8 to 179.5 this year.  The market capitalisation is 3393 crores.

Eraaya Lifespaces

The share price soared to Rs. 222.9 from Rs. 11.6 last year.  Current market capitalisation is 2537 crores.

Vantage Knowledge Company

The share price rose from 48.4 to 859.1.  Current market capitalisation is 2164 crores.

Ashika Credit Capital

The share price soared from 12 to 159.9. Current market capitalisation is 8426 crores.

Diamond Power Infrastructure

The share price soared from 37.5 to 434.9. Current market capitalisation is 1217 crores.

Cian Agro Industries and  Infrastructures

The share price soared from 358 to 3516.5. Current market capitalisation is 2207 crores.

TechNVision Ventures

The Real Estate company's share price jumped from 68.1 to 581 this year.  The market capitalisation is 1004 crores.

RDB Infrastructure and Power

5 most expensive Car Collections of MS Dhoni